The performance test describe which modules are executing most often or using the most computer time and those modules will be re-examined and retested to run more quickly. 性能测试描述了当执行模块比较频繁或是使用大量的计算机运行时间,那些模块就需要较快地检查和重新测试。
Non-linearity editor system is an executing equipment for TV program anaphase editing based on computer operation flat roof. [摘要]非线性编辑系统是以计算机为操作平台的电视节目后期编辑制作设备。
Translating and executing each source language statement of a computer program before translating and executing the next statement. 翻译和执行计算机程序中的一条源语句之后,再翻译和执行下一条语句的过程。
A remote executing facility for PC/ DOS networks is introduced in this paper, we have solved a few problems such as inter-process communication, measurement of idle computer state, finding idle computer, remote executing. 本文介绍作者为PC/DOS网络研制的远程执行设备。在PC/DOS网络环境下,我们解决了进程通信,空闲标准的确定以及空闲机的选择,远程执行等问题。